Sunday, November 11, 2012

Top 5 Catfish Baits

In this article I am going to share with you the top 5 catfish baits that I found most effective in my 10 years of fishing. If you love fishing for catfish like I do then you can not pass up on trying some of these baits. I have tried almost everything in the book. There are so many different baits that you hear about. People always claim they have the secret bait that will catch monsters. Sometimes they are telling the truth and sometimes they are exaggerating. This article will completely cut through all the nonsense and deliver the best baits that are guaranteed to work. Out of the 100 or so odd baits I have tried there are only 5 that really stand out from the rest. Below you will find the list of my best baits along with a description on how to make a few of the ones that you can not buy in stores. Enjoy testing these baits out and hooking some monsters!

#1. Chicken Liver

I have found that chicken liver is by the best bait for catching huge catfish. The best part about this bait is that it can be bought in stores and it can be bought very cheap. Chicken liver is so effective and number 1 on this because of the potent blood in the liver of a chicken. Catfish cannot resist this blood and when it is set in the water their senses go crazy. They detect this stuff so quickly.

#2. Hot Dogs

I have found that all the bait i have used the one that stays on the hook the best. It has a smell that catfish love. The texture of the hot dog is perfect for the catfish and another good thing is that it can be store bought.

#3. Chicken Breast and Red Kool-Aid

The chicken breast and red kool-aid is a uncommon thing to use but it can be store bought and easy to make. First you get the chicken breast and cut in any size pieces that you want to use and put in a ziplock bag. Next make some red kool-aid and pour in ziplock bag. Last let it sit and then you are ready to use.

#4. Chads

I have found that chads can be used for bigger catfish. You can use them alive or dead but i have found that they are better dead. You can use them whole our as cut bait. They will hit both of them but more likely cut because the catfish smells the blood and it makes them go crazy wwhen they smell and they can't resist.

#5. Stink Bait

I have found that stink bait works out good too. There is peopke that has the own secret bait they use. You could do the test and error but i have always used the commericial brand stink bait it works good to and stays on the hook good. You could buy it aony story aaround you like your local walmart or bait shop.

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